Rediscover, Reinvent, and Renew Your Financial Freedom and Spiritual Path through Self-Love and Empowerment With Confidence and Clarity.

My name is Alana Leone. I am an energy evolutionist who provides spiritual path guidance and holistic healing to people that want to master their past and learn how to truly love their lives. Make no mistake about it, the universe has led you to me for a reason. Maybe there is a void in your life that you need to fill or an overwhelming block that seeks resolving. Perhaps you’re looking for enlightenment and answers. Or maybe you’re simply looking to re-establish a comfort zone and have life make sense again.
Whatever challenges, wants, needs, or desires brought you here, I can be of service.

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Everyone’s body contains seven main chakras, or energy centers. Well-balanced chakras often result in feeling relaxed, healthy, and energetic.

Through these energy balancing applications, your chakras will develop and return to you many helpful attributes such as empowerment, love, creativity, self-esteem, flexibility, and a strong spiritual foundation. They will bring your body and life back into a positive flow and vibrancy. You will be freed from the negative feelings and emotions that keep you from enjoying a fuller and more satisfying life, thus enabling you to regain balance and stability, gain clarity on your purpose, and experience a deeper and more spiritual existence.
The universe is an attraction system. If you have depressing thoughts, discomfort, and emotions like fear, greed, and jealousy, you will attract low vibration frequencies.
Conversely, love emanates from human beings at 528Hz. In other words, we are pure love. And when you vibrate at this frequency you will bring back a corresponding frequency of love and positivity.
There are no limitations unless you create them yourselves. Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination.
-Nikola Tesla